Australians score top awards in Round 2 of Young Glory

Wednesday 20th November, 2019

SDWM Melbourne’s Bella Plush and Sebastian Covino have been awarded Gold in Round 2 of Young Glory 2019/20.

They were closely followed by Lizzie Wood and Amanda Alegre of the The Monkeys, Sydney, who picked up Silver.

Teams from Noisey Beast, Ogilvy Sydney, DDB New Zealand and FCB New Zealand also picked up Finalist spots during the round, which was judged by 2011 Young Glory winner and now Strategic Lead at Google and Co-founder at Rare Stefanie DiGianvincenzo.

The Round 2 brief focused on ‘making diversity part of everyday’ within our industry, with winning ideas coming in forms that, according DiGianvincenzo, could “shift the behaviour of many, not just a few. Ideas that I could ultimately execute through Rare – whether that be through an owned initiative, or one that I could execute with a brand partner.”

Young Glory was launched in 2011 and aims to find the world’s consistent creative talent by testing participants across 8 rounds with 8 briefs set by 8 big name judges.

DiGianvincenzo said she is looking forward to getting in touch with the winners to talk more about how some of these ideas can become a reality.

A full list of winners can be found at:




Gold Winning Idea

Gold Winning Idea

Silver Winning Idea

Silver Winning Idea