Round 3 of 8: November
Amir Kassaei.
Global Chief Creative Officer, DDB Worldwide
Born in Iran, grew up in Austria, studied in France, worked my way up in Germany and now live most of my days on a plane. Refugee, product manager, controller, strategic planner, art director, copywriter and most recently referred to as the last Mad Man. I always tell my people, “Impossible is not a fact. It is an opinion.” If you have passion, will and courage, you can change the world for the better. I honestly do believe that.
Brief: "Let's Talk About Sex"
“Change the conversation about sex to one that empowers all genders, particularly young women.”
First a bit of data for you to think about:
“Today we have the largest population of youth in human history. Of the seven billion people on the planet, more than three billion are under the age of 25. More than 80% percent of 15- to 25-year-olds live in developing countries. And every year more than 14 million births occur among adolescent girls in these countries.” – Intrahealth International, January 29, 2014
Second, get a bit of insight from Al Vernacchio, a school Sexuality Educator in the U.S.A., who says, “Sexuality is a force for good in the universe and the best thing about being human.” Watch his talk on why pizza should be the new metaphor for sex.
Third, think about technology and the ways we talk to each other and young people learn about sex today. Gender inequality and sexism have evolved right along with the Digital Age.
Brief Deadline: Midnight (Pacific Daylight Time) November 30th 2014