Round 6 of 8: February
Azsa West & Sara Phillips.
Special thank you also to Michelle Arrazcaeta, Senior Strategist on Nike at W+K Portland, who helped craft the brief.
About Azsa: Azsa West comes from a haunted little surfer town in Southern California. She was raised by dolphins, teenagers, skate boarders, and a graphic designer that believed in aliens. Azsa is an artist, director and multidisciplinary creative director with a background in art direction, music, writing, illustration, and film. She studied photography and illustration at The California College of Arts in San Francisco and graduated from W+K 12 with an emphasis on ideation, art direction and writing. She has exhibited works in Los Angeles, Portland, New York, Brazil, Sydney and Paris. A book of her drawings “Nature Study on Lonesome Island” was published in 2011. Azsa’s work has been featured in publications such as New York Times, Ad Busters, Huffington Post, Creativity, Girls Like Us, Put A Egg On It, CMYK, Fader, Good Magazine, Wall Street Journal and Fast Company. She currently lives in Tokyo, Japan and is a Creative Director on Nike and Shiseido at Wieden + Kennedy.
About Sara: Sara Phillips has lived many lives that conspired to lead her to becoming an Art Director on Nike at W+K Portland. As a professional snowboarder, Icelandic fisherman, Norwegian dog musher, cockney fork-lift driver, accidental model and fellow cult member from the illustrious W+K 12 experiment - Sara has created award winning work that is reflective of her life and love for making things.
“Create a powerful, simple idea that will reframe... how Planned Parenthood is talked about.”
Azsa (left) and Sara (right)
SITUATION: Planned Parenthood is getting attacked.
Just last week, President Trump signed an executive order banning federal funds for international organizations that promote or practice abortions overseas. This includes the International Planned Parenthood Federation. Paul Ryan had explicitly said that they plan on passing a bill that will defund Planned Parenthood here in the States. We are entering a pro-life government that is not only making abortion the enemy, but Planned Parenthood.
PROBLEM: Conservatives have painted Planned Parenthood as the enemy.
Planned Parenthood has become the symbol for abortion when abortion makes up only 3% of their services. Our current political climate has turned a healthcare facility into a political debate.
OPPORTUNITY: Reframe how Planned Parenthood is talked about.
Planned Parenthood has always been about offering women the full spectrum of reproductive health care. This includes STD testing, vaccines, birth control, pregnancy testing and services, sex education, LGBT services, men’s sexual health and general health care.
TRUTH: Planned Parenthood is pro-healthcare.
Planned Parenthood is a place that offers you information, education and services to be healthy. It’s a place you go when you have a question, a concern, an issue. It’s a place you go for help. It’s a place that helps you make your decision on what to do with your body.
When you think Planned Parenthood, don’t think abortion. Think prevention. Around 80% of patients receive services to prevent unintended pregnancies (birth control, condoms, sex education). Prevention means less abortions. It means people can decide to have a baby when they are ready mentally and financially. It educating young people to stay safe and healthy. It means that this organization gives women control over their lives and how they want to live it. Planned Parenthood is pro-prevention.
Create a powerful, simple idea that will reframe the conversation and people to engage.
How do you bring this to life through contemporary culture/political climate?
How do we make sure this idea initiates conversation and creates dialog?
How do we avoid talking to ourselves and our own biases?
How do we avoid creating a message that lives within its own echo chamber on social?
Deadline: 11:59pm Pacific Daylight Time (Los Angeles Time) February 28th 2017