Round 3 of 8: November

Judge: Kelsey Horne & Alexis Bronstorph

executive creative directors, taxi toronto


There were so many submissions and so many GREAT submissions, but ultimately we felt like we could only choose one winner from each category. As so often happens with these things, we saw a lot of similar ideas.

So you may be looking at the winner(s) and thinking, “Hey! I had the same idea! Why did they win and not me?” Well people, when that happens, it all comes down to execution. For us, having Cookie Monster eat a bug cookie on the show seemed like such a simple, but cultural way to get this new idea across. And we all know how strong Sesame Street’s social media reach is, especially when they jump on topical issues.

With Bugweiser, we had a clever name mixed with slick art direction and a cute, insightful idea jumping on existing consumer behaviour. Brilliant. Well done everyone! It was not an easy brief.

— Alexis + Kelsey

Gold (25 points)


The Cookie Monster's Favorite Cookie

Team: Lucas Fowler & Jack Burton
Agency: Ogilvy
Location: Sydney, Australia

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Peter Emil Birkvig & Sophie Amalie Fälling
School: DMJX - Creative Communication
Location: Copenhagen, Denmark

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Silver (18 points)



No professional silver were awarded for Round 3.





No student silver were awarded for Round 3.

Bronze (15 points)



There were no Professional Bronze awards this round.





No student bronze were awarded for Round 3.

Finalist (10 points)



No Professional finalists were awarded for Round 3.





No student finalists were awarded for Round 3.